Укисељене печурке Пхолиота Намеко

Укисељене печурке Пхолиота Намеко
  • Аншан, Кина
  • 20 дана
  • 150 тона/месечно

1. Наше укисељене печурке пхолиота намеко су направљене од природних сировина, зелене и без адитива.
2. Наше укисељене печурке пхолиота намеко усвајају еколошки прихватљиве методе обраде.
3. Наше киселе печурке пхолиота намеко се лако једу.

Introduction to pickled pholiota nameko mushrooms:

The raw materials of pickled edible fungi are natural and healthy, such as mushrooms. These ingredients are rich in nutrients, such as protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins, which have a good effect on human health.

Pickled edible fungi has gradually entered the international market, and its unique taste and quality have been loved by international consumers.

pickled edible fungi

Advantages of pickled pholiota nameko mushrooms:

Our Pickled slider mushrooms can be used conveniently after processing without complicated operating procedures, which makes Pickled slider mushrooms widely used in both home cooking and catering industries. Pickled slider mushrooms have a unique taste and flavor, and their delicious taste and unique pickling process make them highly competitive in the market.

Pickled slider mushrooms

Application of pickled edible fungi:

Salt water edible fungi can be used as an appetizer or side dish, or added to a variety of dishes, such as stir-fries, grilled meats, salads, etc. Its diverse uses make Salt water edible fungi a must-have ingredient in the kitchen.

Salt water edible fungi

About Us

Yihong Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., as a professional primary processing enterprise of agricultural products, has created a series of diversified products with its rich experience and excellent technology. Among these dazzling products, the most outstanding ones are more than ten kinds of wild and cultivated edible fungi, such as porcini, Salt water edible fungi, Sphaeroides globus, and shiitake mushrooms. These edible fungi are not only delicious and nutritious, but also have unique health care functions and are deeply loved by consumers.

pickled edible fungi

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