Вргањ Едулис у сланој води Дк

Вргањ Едулис у сланој води Дк
  • Аншан, Кина
  • 20 дана
  • 150 тона/месечно

1. Користимо првокласне свеже печурке, које су пажљиво обрађене и научно формулисане да задрже оригинални укус уз одржавање високог квалитета и безбедности сланих вргања.
2. Саламљени вргањи могу се јести директно или користити као зачини за побољшање укуса и ароме јела.
3. Обећавамо да ћемо пружити професионалну услугу након продаје, ако имате било каквих проблема са квалитетом или питања, слободно контактирајте наш тим за корисничку подршку, ми ћемо решити проблем за вас што је пре могуће.

Presentation of Boletus Edulis In Brine Dx:

All customers have strict requirements on food quality and taste, so we have been working hard to produce high-quality salted porcini mushrooms, and strictly control every production link to ensure that our products can meet consumption all over the world needs.

In order to keep the products fresh and delicious, we use the best quality materials when marinating porcini mushrooms. Our professional team has carefully formulated every production process to ensure that every brined porcini mushrooms can maintain its original nutritional value and Taste.

brined porcini mushrooms

Parameters of Boletus Edulis In Brine Dx




2-4cm; 1.4-5cm



Shelf Life

24 months


brined boletus porcini mushrooms

Packing Detail

Before delivering the boletus edulis in brine Dx products, we always check the drained weight and gross weight to avoid any problems.

Boletus: drained weight 45kg per drum, gross weight 65(±2-3kg) kg per drum.

salted mushrooms in drum

Advantage of Products

Our boletus edulis in brine Dx is of high quality, suitable for risotto, pizza and also perfect for making mushroom sauce. The main rule of brining is that the high osmotic weight of the salt solution causes the water inside the cells of destructive microorganisms joined to the surface of the mushroom to leak out, causing protoplasm to contract and separators to isolate, coming about in the physiological dry season and passing, thus avoiding the decay and decomposition of the salted boletus in drum products and completing the reason for brining.

brined porcini mushrooms

Usage of boletus edulis in brine:

Salted boletus in drums are usually used in industrial processes, i.e. in the production of mushrooms in oils, sauces or other mushroom-based products.

The preparation of salted boletus consists of cooking them for a short time in brine, usually slightly acidified with citric acid, then cooling and soaking them in a concentrated brine. After fermentation in brine for 10-15 days, the boletus is drained and immersed in fresh brine. A different curing technique is used in some countries: wild boletus is pressed immediately after harvest, cured in small vats (solid salt) and then transported to a processing plant where the salted boletus in drums is rinsed under running water, sorted and immersed in concentrated brine.

brined boletus porcini mushrooms

Whether you enjoy it on your own or give it as a gift to friends and family, Boletus Edulis In Brine Dx can bring you a good food experience. Thank you for your support and trust in our products, and look forward to bringing you more delicious food and happiness.

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