Исецкани вргањ у саламури

Исецкани вргањ у саламури
  • Аншан, Кина
  • 20 дана
  • 150 тона/месечно

1. Исецкани вргањ Едулис у саламури користи свеже сировине како би задржао свој јединствени укус.
2. Исецкани вргањ Едулис у саламури је лак за руковање и штеди време.
3.Сецкани вргањ Едулис у саламури је погодан за различите методе кувања и може се комбиновати са разним намирницама.

Presentation of Chopped Boletus Edulis In Brine:

Our high quality chopped boletus in brine is a food made from fresh boletus. Soaking fresh boletus in salt water can maintain the freshness and taste of brine mixed edible boletus in drum. boletus chopped in brine in drum can be used as a side dish or main dish, adding some unique flavor to the dish. , making the dishes more delicious.

high quality chopped boletus in brine

Parameters of Chopped Boletus Edulis In Brine:


Chopped Boletus Edulis In Brine


1-2cm; 2-4cm; 4-6cm; 1-5cm; 2-5cm; 1-6cm; 1-3cm;



Shelf Life

24 months

brined mixed edible boletus in drum

Packing Detail

Before delivering the chopped boletus edulis in brine products, we always check the drained weight and gross weight to avoid any problems.

Boletus mushrooms: drained weight 45kg per drum, gross weight 65(±2-3kg) kg per drum.

boletus chopped in brine in drum

Advantages of Products:

●boletus edulis chopped in brine is rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients, so mixed edible boletus in brine is very beneficial to people.

●High quality chopped boletus in brine can be marinated in salt water to extend its shelf life. This pickling method can effectively prevent brine mixed edible boletus in drum from deteriorating.

●We have been in business for more than 20 years and have exported our mixed edible boletus in brine products all over the world and have received high value from all our customers.

high quality chopped boletus in brine

Usage of boletus edulis in brine:

Boletus edulis chopped in brine is usually used in industrial processes, i.e. in the production of mushrooms in oils, sauces or other mushroom-based products.

The preparation of chopped pickled boletus consists of cooking them for a short time in brine, usually slightly acidified with citric acid, then cooling and soaking them in a concentrated brine. The water content of the cells is relatively reduced due to the large amount of salt that seeps back into the cells and the water content of the cells escapes. After fermentation in brine for 10-15 days, the raw material of the boletus chopped in brine in drum is heavily dehydrated, thus reducing the size of the raw material and making it dense, tough and brittle. The salted mushrooms are drained and immersed in fresh brine. A different curing technique of boletus chopped in brine in drum is used in some countries: wild mushrooms are squeezed immediately after collection, cured in small vats (strong salt) and then transported to a processing plant where the boletus chopped in brine in drum items are flushed under running water, sorted and drenched in concentrated brine.

If you are interested in our products, you can contact us at any time, and we will provide the most perfect service to reflect our professionalism.

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